
Winnipeg International Writers Festival and Winnipeg Public Library

Winnipeg’s longest running poetry open mic moves online with featured reader Sharanpal Ruprai

Welcome to Speaking Crow the Virtual Edition! Just as before, we will be meeting the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm, this time via ZOOM.

We have two registration options:

1)Register to be part of an enthusiastic Speaking Crow audience, and receive a ZOOM link to attend.

2)Register to be one of the open mic readers, and receive a ZOOM link to attend. Limit 25, first-come-first-served.

Registration for both options will remain open until 7:15pm (only register for one or the other, not both).

If you should have any questions regarding the event please send an email to:

Speaking Crow is funded and facilitated by the Winnipeg International Writers Festival (WIWF) which is committed to creating safe and respectful opportunities for writers, volunteers, audience members, and workers to share knowledge, explore ideas, and build community.

Find out more at and

Featured Guest

Sharanpal Ruprai is an Associate Professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ruprai’s collection of poetry, Seva, was shortlisted for the Stephan G. Stephansson Award for Poetry and her second collection, Pressure Cooker Love Bomb, was shortlisted for multiple poetry awards across Canada and internationally. She was the 2019-2020 Canadian Writer-in-Residence for the Calgary Distinguished Writers Program.

Polish up your new poems for your 3 minutes of fame at the open mic which will happen immediately after our featured guest!

*Please note, only the feature reader will be recorded and posted online.