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A lounge to discuss books which get us out of the city.
Have you read or are you looking forward to reading any of the books listed in Writing From Small Places? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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InactiveOctober 14, 2021 at 9:37 pmPost count: 1The Crash Palace does an incredible job at transcribing the obtuse culture of Alberta’s remote tar sand work camps. These are shady isolated locations where masculinity rules (often problematically) large, and yet Andrew Wedderburn somehow writes about this place from a female perspective and does so respectfully well and believably. As a reader, you can feel the energy, the tension, and it’s uncomfortable, which is an authorial success. I know this is only part of the book, but I was very impressed with it, and would recommend the book almost solely on this quality. Good work, Wedderburn!
InactiveOctober 14, 2021 at 10:33 pmPost count: 1While I’m not familiar enough with rural Alberta to confirm all that you said, Evan, I agree that The Crash Palace is a fabulous book! And I want to add that Night Watch: The Vet Suite–especially the second and third novellas–portrays the life of rural veterinarians so powerfully, with details that capture all the care and the pain. While I don’t know any vets personally, I do know something about farmers and how they only call the vet as a last resort, which means that the stakes are high on every call. Night Watch is also an amazing book!! I highly recommend both!
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